Monday, April 29, 2013

Alternatives to Animal Testing

My decision to write about alternatives to animal testing is a personal choice.  This choice is not meant to preach to anyone or put anyone down.  This is simply my personal views that I would like to share.

Animals have always represented for me unconditional love and devotion that is unsurpassed with humans. 
My devotion to my animals reaches very far and would simply do anything and spend anything to assist them with a healthy and happy life.  

I feel there is not a good reason to test any product on animals.  Simply put any living being should not be subjected to any type of testing if they cannot sign their name to a waiver and have a legal document stating they were of sound psychological mind at the time of their signing. 

Since animals cannot talk and or sign a document this in my belief is not an option.

We all have free will, this is the beauty of being human in this world.  Many will allow testing to be performed on them for monetary compensation and others simply for scientific research to be furthered.  Those who have these beliefs I feel should move forward and be allowed to participate. 

If a company cannot find alternate means for testing their product then I do not feel the product should be allowed on the shelves for consumers.  Many labels have "hidden"  animal products in everyday products by with barely-decipherable chemical names designed to fool unsuspecting consumers.

What I find rude to ones intelligence is when a label lists "No animal ingredients" but can still contain animal ingredients as there are no federal guidelines that exist to monitor when a product claims no animal ingredients.
Many consumers once they become comfortable reading labels can quickly check for certain ingredients and avoid as much as possible.  I urge people who want to be educated to research as much as possible as knowledge is always power.  

You can look for cruelty free products and download material at the below link.

Cruelty-Free Partners

Please consider reading or sharing the additional information I post from time to time on animal research.
I am always open to questions and will try to provide as much resources as I can for you.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Writing a petition for an intention

Start with white paper or best is to rip some brown paper from a brown paper bag.  
Do not cut this but rip it.
You want to write your petition in the below manner.


Write your request AKA petition as if you were talking with God or Spirits in private. 
Your belief in what you are writing is the biggest part.
Do not write your history because God and or the Spirits already know the history of the event and petition.
For example if you are writing your petition for $$ for a bill you will write to the effect,
" I WILL have $40.00 in my hands to pay this Electric Bill by the due date".
The term I will is the positive motion you want to move forward with.
Make it simple and to the point.

Never use the words below:

I hope
I want
Only if
Give me

These words are either demanding or bring in doubt to your request.
You need to believe and be positive and not bring negativity into the request/petition because that self sabotages your work.
You can say thank you for hearing my petition or thank you for answering my petition.

Remember your petition is asking for Spiritual Intervention on a situation.
This means NOT all prayers will be answered as WE want them to be but yet as the spirits feel is best suited.
Remember to remain positive and affirming and not begging and nagging or pleading.

End your petition with something along the lines of " I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Amen"

It is that simple.  Nothing fancy you can jot it on paper before you put it on brown paper.  Fiddle with the wording until it is easy and flows for you.
Nothing is set in stone and nothing is perfect.

Do your best to make it your own as there is no one set way to write a petition it is more the meaning behind it.   

Blessings & Good Luck

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On Death & Dying

On Death & Dying

I wanted to take some time to write about the death and the dying process.

I currently have two family members who are dying and this has brought to light for me the fact that although I am comfortable with my faith and with death and what happens after you die due to strong beliefs, others may not be as comfortable as I am.
Because of this I wanted to offer my views in the hope it might help someone with what they are going through or even offer another view for thought.

I believe in one God, now you don’t have to believe in my God but whatever God or Higher Power you do believe in I hope like me that Higher Power provides you with comfort and a secure feeling.
I was brought up to never discount anyone’s religion so long as it was “nonviolent”.   I respected all others beliefs and knew that being a good person and trying to live every day in light that I was doing what was right.  Now not everyone has been brought up the same as I was.  I know many people who were brought up with the Fire & Brimstone way and they are terrified of so much.  I feel bad for those people.  Granted my family is very old, we have set beliefs but religion was NEVER off the table at any time and if I had a question about anything good or bad I could go to my Grandparents or Mother and ask and I was always told my question was valid and good.  I was sat down and things were explained to me but with a back and forth dialect that allowed me to learn and to grow and form my own views and beliefs.  I was never told if I did not believe a specific thing or way I would go to Hell or be struck down by a Higher Power.  I know for this I am lucky and it has allowed me to have clear beliefs.  These beliefs have brought me comfort in my life, especially at difficult times when others may have questioned their faith.

The older I have gotten I have become very comfortable with the belief of reincarnation.  This first came to me in 2009 when my cat Maxxwell Smart passed away in my arms after a 5 year battle with liver cancer.  One of my spiritual guides told me Maxxwell had been with me before in several lives and he wanted to come back to me again in this lifetime.  I knew however Maxxwell being the Patriarch of the animal family in my home would want to wait for the others to pass over to welcome them before he would allow himself to come back.  

Since that time I have had dogs & cats pass and so far two have come back to me with the help of another Spiritual Guide that I have.  In fact this past August 2011 two cats came back to me for a second lifetime with me.  There is no easy way to explain how this process works but I can say it does and I have ZERO doubts that these two cats are my cats from previous.  In all honesty my Veteranian also believes the same as I do and she has said in her heart without a doubt both cats are the same souls as she knew them before. 
This process still amazes me but it is so beautiful that I believe it is another gift we are given from the Higher Powers.

Because of this I without a doubt feel once we die that that is not the end for people or animals.  I am not saying we all have to believe in a Heaven or a Hell or a Purgatory but in my belief there is something after death for our soul.  You see one of my gifts is that I can communicate with my loved ones when I am sleeping or in deep meditation.  Many times I have seen my dogs & cats and even my Uncle, Aunt & Grandfather in both of these states.  I have been told of things and directed specific ways.  I can also see these loved ones are restored in good health and where they are is light and comfortable and they are happy and calm.  The feeling that comes over me is one of pure peace.  Do you remember on a beautiful day sitting and listening to the wind in the trees, hearing birds talk and just enjoying the sun on your face and the warmth on your body as the sun hugs you?  This peace and tranquility is what I see and feel each time I communicate with my family and loved ones.  Because of this I have pure belief in where they are after death.  The soul does live on to heal and learn from mistakes.

If each soul makes the decision to come back to earth they are allowed to come back again to learn and to grow for another time.  See, each time we are here we are allowed to come back to learn what we didn’t get to learn last time and to grow to become a better person a more whole and complete soul.  These decisions we make to come back are all on our own we are not forced and when we come back the decisions we make are our own to own and it is up to us as we grow on earth to get it right and grow spiritually each time we are here.
We all have it in us to be a pure spiritual being, to be wise with our years.  Our final goal is to perfect our life on earth to learn all we can to make the best impact we can so we can make the final decision to not have to come back and reincarnate, that we have made the best impact with our soul that we could on this earth.  Perfect examples of this are Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II and Gandhi,  all were wise souls beyond their years.  These are glowing examples of souls who have used all of their lifetimes here on earth to spread love and learn all they can and help all they can to obtain the highest level of wisdom and spirituality they can to make the biggest positive impact on earth.  We all can learn to do this and we should.

As I see my Grandmother in hospice and I see her body fail her I know her being on earth is no longer fair.  When you are trapped in your body with only your mind it is not a way to live.  To feel your body has betrayed you where you cannot get out of bed, care for yourself and even handle your own body functions then your dignity is gone. 

As my Grandmother makes her decent to meet her Higher Power I am confident and secure knowing her loved ones will be there to greet her with open arms and smiling faces.  A few weeks ago when she could speak she was telling us how she sees her Husband who passed in 2002 and her Mother who passed when I was a child over 30 years ago.  To me this is a sign of the soul living on after death and the veil is being lifted for her and she is being allowed to see what we cannot see in daily life which is they are still very close to us and can see us.  We cannot see them because this life and all of the fast paced worldly actions have made us impervious to the spirit world.  But children, animals and those close to passing are able to see what we no longer can and it is a wonderful gift for them.  

My Grandmother is in now an almost comatose state where she is in bed and her eyes are closed.  She can no longer eat or drink and she cannot respond to you verbally.  When you touch her she flinches but that is the only response you will see.  I feel her body which at one time was a trap is now just a vessel and her soul is starting it’s decent to a better place.  I do feel in my heart that when you speak to her she can hear you so I talk to her when I see her to let her know I am here.

As I write this today Wednesday, September 12, 2012 my I received word from my Father that my Grandmother passed away in her sleep.  This is a sad moment but I am happy of several things about this.  I am happy she passed in her sleep peacefully as this is a gift many do not get when they pass this earth.  I am also happy because yes we always want our loved ones to stay here with us but we cannot be selfish and think of ourselves, we need to think if them.  I am happy she is now on her journey back to health and wholeness again.  No longer to suffer and I do believe she will be happiest with her husband now after over 50 years of marriage to be reunited is a wonderful thing.  My Dad now as sad as he is to let his Mother go is happy she is out of pain and believes where she is going is a better place where she will now be whole and happy.  Have a beautiful journey Grandma.

I will share with you something very personal to me that I have not told many.  In 2001 my Uncle was in hospice passing from Colon cancer and it was the night before he passed.  The Doctors had put him in a drug induced coma because the pain was unbearable and not one soul on earth should have to feel that pain.  When I approached my Uncle in his bed I held his hand and started to get close to him and speak to him.  I told him I loved him and that he was OK to leave that everyone would be OK, we would care for each other and he needed to go home and to let his body heal.  My Uncle started to cry, tears were coming down his face though his body was in a coma state.  When I spoke to my Uncle he was also able to hold my hand ever so slightly but it was noticeable how it felt.  This let me know that even when the body is failing you that your mind still helps you to hear so you can make decisions.  After I told my Uncle to go he did start his decent.  He waited until his entire family was in the room with him and all around his bed and that is when he left to go on his journey home.

My Grandfather is currently in Palliative Care which is the step before Hospice Care.  He has numerous health concerns including Parkinson’s which is the hardest for him right now as it has literally trapped his body where he fights against it.  

My Grandfather has always been a pure beacon of light for all my life and for all who have the pleasure to know him.  Your life was changed for the better when he was in your life.   There are sayings I have heard through my life to the effect “angels walk on earth or someone is an angel sent by God”.  I do believe my Grandfather was a gift because of all those he affected in such a positive way.  As a child when I would look at my Grandfather I would see a beautiful white light that surrounded him.  As I got older this light became white and pink but it never faded and has never gone away.  He is a pure soul who I feel has been here on earth before and this time he has shown so much wisdom that I feel the wisdom & pure heart is what I would see in color around him.  

My Grandfather made such a positive impact on my life that to me he is an almost perfect man.  If scientists could clone him then all women in the world would be as happy as my Grandmother to have someone in their life with a pure heart and soul.  If my Grandfather did decide to reincarnate I could not see how he could get any better in another lifetime.  If he did come back I feel I would have to add to the list of pure souls with Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II and Gandhi with my Grandfathers name next.
I believe that like my cats that my Grandmother, Grandfather and Uncle will reincarnate into another life if they make the decision to do so.  What a beautiful option that is.

I hope this helps you or provides you food for thought.  I welcome any comments or questions.

Blessings to you for a beautiful life.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mojo Bag-Conjure Hand-Gris Gris Bag

Mojo Bag-Conjure Hand-Gris Gris Bag

Ah the many names used but they all are the same in the end. Any name that you call it they are "work-conjure" that you hold on you and do not allow others to see.  
Many people will carry these in their pants pocket or some women will tuck them inside their bra.  Some believe you need to have this physically touching your skin, other feel to be on you or in your possession is enough.  I personally carry mine in my bra or pocket. These are made for specific reasons and that is for you to know which is why you don't want others to see or touch or you will need to have a new one made.

There is not one specific reason you can make this, in fact the reasons are almost endless.  



Court Case

Crown of Success


Essence of Bend Over

Fiery Wall of Protection

John the Conqueror

Lucky Hand

Master Hand

Money Drawing

Better Business

Peaceful Home

Please email me with any questions
Victoria -

Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Oils & Bath salts for sale

1/2oz Oils
1oz Bath Salts


  Special $9.00 for 1 Oil and matching Bath Salt thru the month of July and August 2012.

I have been working for several weeks now on making new bath salts & oils for everyone.

The oils are all sold in 1/2oz glass bottles.  A good amount of herbs & roots are added to each bottle.  I only use Olive Oil as it is considered a Holy oil in my family. 
I do not add any artificial fragrance or colorings to my oils as I am a sensitive individual and I do this to be safe for others.
All oils are being sold at $5.95 US Dollars each.

My bath salts are sold in 1-1/14oz.  All have a good amount of herbs & roots.
Like my oils I do not add any fragrance or colorings.  If you decide to purchase the bath salts and corresponding oil you can add the oil to your bath salts for an added kick.
All bath salts are being sold at $3.95 US Dollars each.

When you receive the bath salts I do include typed instructions to help you understand the traditional way to use the salts in your bath.

Below are the salts and oils I have ready to go.  I will update this page as I make more daily.

  • Peaceful Home
  • Protection
  • Uncrossing
  • Road Opener
  • Personal Power & Success
  • Essence of Bend Over
  • Controlling
  • Dominate
  • Master Hand
  • John the Conqueror  
Email me at with any inquiries or orders.
Follow me on Facebook